Friday, June 4


- 13 May 2010-

After all our damnfreakinghard final papers, which marks the end of our 3 degree years in Sg Long, we decided to head up to Genting once again.. weeee~~

Before v started our journey, stopped by the nearby petrol station...

Guys, dont be fooled by the drama happening down there... There's nothing wrong with the car... they' were suppose to jus check & add water into it... But heck, by just looking at the photos, they're behaving as if something is real wrong and that they're some real pro's fixing the mess... actors.. @.@... lol.. funny la.. check them out:

zha dou.. @.@

& lastly, allow me to present to u Mr. AKon a.k.a HanXing...

ahahaha.. wtf man...

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