Tuesday, April 14

Easter Vigil

-11 April 2009-

Went for easter vigil in Church of Holy Family, Kajang... Among us attended were me, grace, annie, eric and wilson.. It was a long long mass, 5 hours in total, due to the baptism of the elects (59 of them were baptist) and also because the mass was being conducted in 4 languages and with 8 readings altogether.. almost fainted.. @.@ hehe..

The church were packed with lotsa lotsa people.. It was beautiful when the whole church were lighted up with candlelights...

Spot me.. :p

I guess this is my first easter being celebrated away frm home.. wondering how r u guys now.. anyway, no worries, i'll be back by the end of the wk.! Yipee Hurray..! ^^

1 comment:

  1. Angel, You have been tagged by me, pls visit my blog ya~~ ^^
